Thursday, April 27, 2017

April Drink of the Month - The Apra-Daquiri

Meet Charlie!
I have a confession to make - I've tried to write this blog post about 10 times in the last two weeks, but something kept getting in the way. I would try to make it down to my bar each night to craft a relatively simple cocktail - I had all of the ingredients in stock, and all I needed to do was juice a lime and measure out spirits. But each night, when things finally calmed down, and I would contemplate trekking down the stairs, I would hit a wall. I hear being a new parent does that to you...

For those faithful readers who have not heard the good news yet, my wife, Ann, and I welcomed our son Charles Joseph Kiley (Charlie) into the world on March 24 at 5:49 pm. He's just passed the one month mark now, and he's gaining weight like a champ (I wish people were as excited when I gained weight... or when I pooped for that matter). There are many, many wonderful things about parenthood, but surviving the first month (and accompanying sleep deprivation) did take a toll on my mixology time. Luckily, as noted above, this month's drink is pretty simple.

One of the benefits of living in your wife's home town is that you have easy access to eager babysitters. Ann's parents were nice enough to take Charlie for a few hours during week number two, so that we could run out and grab dinner together (just the two of us) and debrief/decompress from the first two weeks of parenting. We went to the LaSalle Kitchen, which has a great little bar program. My wife, being a big fan of anything with rum, ordered a drink called the Apra-Daquiri. This was her first cocktail post-baby, so I thought it would be appropriate to memorialize it here on the blog. The folks at LaSalle Kitchen were nice enough to pass along the recipe (yay!), which I have included in picture form. Below, you will find my slightly modified recipe. I use apricot liqueur instead of apricot nectar, and cut down on the simple syrup to help adjust the sweetness level. Here is my adjusted Apra-Daquiri recipe:

In a cocktail shaker, combine:

1.75 ounce silver rum (I used Journeyman Road's End)
0.75 oz lime juice
0.75 oz Rothman and Winter Orchard Apricot*
0.5 oz orgeat
0.25 oz simple syrup

Shake over ice, strain into a highball glass. Garnish with a dried apricot or lime wheel.

*Rothman and Winter is found in most good liquor stores. They also make an excellent Creme de Violet, which I use for my Aviation cocktails.

I hope you enjoy your Apra-Daquiri!

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